Registration and fees > Information

  Early bird fee
(01 Feb. - 22 April)
Standard fee
(23 April - 15 May)
Late fee
(16 May - 16 June)
Regular participant 350 € VAT included 450 € VAT included 500 € VAT included
Student / Retired participant *1 200 € VAT included 300 € VAT included 350 € VAT included
Accompanying person *2 100 € VAT included 125 € VAT included 150 € VAT included

The fees include lunches, tram tickets, coffee-breaks and social events besides attendance of the Workshop.

*1 Students: Valid for MSc, PhD Students. Please have your Student ID or letter from your University ready when registering. Retired: Please have your status confirmation (pension card, etc) ready for upload.

*2 For accompanying persons, the fee includes only access to the welcome reception and social dinner.

Registration for the Workshop is available through the UL PROPULS agency website:

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