New Board Election > Nicolò Riva
Dr Nicolò Riva, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Currently I am a PostDoc at MIT. I collaborate with Type One Energy and Commonwealth Fusion Systems. I work on the development and manufacturing of planar and non‐planar HTS coils for Fusion applications (tokamaks, stellarators). I obtained my PhD in Electrical Engineering at EPFL (Bertrand Dutoit), collaborating with KIT (Francesco Grilli) and PM (Frederic Sirois). I combined modelling with experimental measurements to characterize the overcritical current resistivity of HTS tapes. In 2018 and 2019, I led the Aerodynamic EPFLoop Team within the SpaceX Hyperloop Competition (3rd overall). Our part of the team designed the carbon fiber composite aeroshell and the Linear Induction Motor. This project gave me the opportunity to interact with both academy and industry. Becoming a Board Member could allow me to contribute at the HTS modelling community efforts. I would combine scientific skills and creativity to leave a contribution in the HTS community. My personal goal is to reach out to students and general public. I took part in scientific dissemination and various outreach events and initiatives (see AURORA). I believe that it is our responsibility to convey to people from all backgrounds the high impact that superconductivity and general science have on the world.
Link to CV